Free phonics worksheets
We've created these free phonics worksheets to help your child master letter sounds from set 1 to set 9. These activities are also an extension of Giggly Literacy Magazine, which is crammed full of fun phonics activities – buy your copy in most supermarkets now!
We've created these phonics worksheets to support the first set of sounds children learn in reception – s, a, t, p, i, and n.
Sets 2 and 3
For parents wondering how to teach your child phonics, and teachers looking for a more fun way to cover the letters m, d, g and o.
Sets 3 and 4
The fun activities support the sounds in phonics sets 3 and 4 – the letter sounds c, k, ck, e, u and r.
We've got some new exciting ways for children to learn the letter sounds h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, and gg!
Sets 6 and 7
Print these exciting worksheets, which help children learn the letter sounds j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, q, and qu!
Set 8
It's time to learn the diagraphs ch, sh, th and ng! We've got the perfect worksheets to support these letter sounds.
Discover exciting ways to learn the diagraphs ai, ee, oa and oo, and children can also meet their first trigraph – igh!
Print these letter tiles
All your child has to do is print these letter tiles, snip them out, and then they can start building words.