An easy science game for children big and small

Is it a game? Is it an experiment? Well, it's both!

An easy science game for children big and small
by Natalie Keeler

Play this fun game and ask children to guess which objects they think will float in the water, and which will sink to the bottom. Drop the items in and watch what happens!

While you're on the theme of learning about density, your child will love trying this clever oil and water experiment, too. It's quick to set up, and uses ingredients you should already have in your kitchen.

You will need

  • A bowl
  • Water
  • Toys
  • A towel


Step 1

Fill a bowl with water. A see-through bowl is great because you can look into it through the sides. It will be easier to see if some objects only half sink, or sink and then pop back up to the surface.

Step 2

Ask your little one to guess whether each object will sink or float. Older children could create a table – record the name of the object, their guess (prediction) and what happens (the result).

Step 3

Now the fun bit – they pop the object into the water and see and record what happens.

TOP TIP: Try adding a ball of play dough to the water – it should sink. What happens if your child changes the shape to a flat-bottomed cup?

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Reading & Writing

Learning guide

While they’re playing this game, your child won’t even realise they’re learning all about density – not to mention key scientific skills like observing, predicting, and recording results. Ask them why they think some items float and others sink, using words like heavy, dense, light, and flat. They could practise their writing skills too by creating a table, recording the name of the object, their guess (prediction), and what happens (the result).